Engineering Building
If you’re interested in studying engineering, make sure to check out the Engineering Building.
The Engineering Building is the home of Spartan Engineers, who explore and learn the main fields of engineering in diversified classes and labs. There are a variety of tutoring and mentoring opportunities to assist students in targeted courses.
The College of Engineering has a well-organized pathway to introduce you to MSU, guide and nurture your academic journey and then give you the career advice and networks you’ll need to land competitive internships and jobs.
Incoming freshmen who are interested in an engineering major should check out the CoRe experience, a supportive program that helps ensure the success of engineering majors. Housed in South Neighborhood, CoRe brings real-world expertise and challenges into the classroom and residential environment, showing how important engineering is for solving global challenges.
Design day
The College of Engineering hosts Design Day every year for students to explore different companies and present designs made in classes.