Community Music Schools
The MSU Community Schools are members of the National Guild for Community Arts Education and ArtServe Michigan.
Michigan State’s Community Music Schools in East Lansing (CMS) and Detroit (CMS-D) are outreach units of the College of Music that bring music education and therapy to individuals of all abilities, incomes and ages, from youth to adulthood. Financial aid is offered to students as needed to make courses more affordable for families and individuals.
CMS in East Lansing was founded in 1993 and offers private lessons on over twenty different instruments, more than fifteen classes and ensembles, and music therapy services. CMS-D opened in Detroit’s Cultural Corridor to serve metro Detroit residents in 2009. CMS-D offers youth and adult classes and ensembles, and students can participate in lessons for instruments, voice, jazz, concert band, gospel, early childhood music or music therapy. Both locations have summer camp options available to the community, as well.
Music education and fun
Students play instruments at an MSU Community Music School.